A.Through company profiles, we can learn about the business condition, management and culture of a company.
B.A company profile can help customers to understand the business as well as its approach, unique strengths, and relevant experience.
C.It is unusual for a fax number to be contained in a company profile.
D.A company profile plays an important role in establishing business image, promoting economic and cultural communication.
C-33.Which is the best one to fill in the blank?()
C-31.Which is the best one to fill in the blank?()
C-35.Which is the best one to fill in the blank?()
eBay takes the ancient practice of auctioning goods to the worldwide web, where sellers put items up for auction and interested parties place their ().
C-39.Which is the best one to fill in the blank?()
Through the process of IPO, a privately held company is transformed into a ()company.
Which of the following statement about PayPal is NOT true?()
According to the video, eBay is like a flee market, allowing you to get rid of anything you no longer want.